1, all cutter using the work of raw materials for flammable gases such as acetylene, propane, liquefied gas and other gases. Therefore, you need to regularly check whether the entire gas circuit can be sealed intact.
2, the dominant staff in the fire should stop its timely control to avoid fire.
3, shut down the machine before blocking all gas valves, and release the remaining gas in the airway.
4, cutting machine gas source department] should be wide open fire, and placed around its normal function of carbon dioxide or other appropriate fire extinguishing installations.
5, before starting the machine to check whether the pipeline can have gas leakage phenomenon, there is a leakage phenomenon never start.
6, in the domination of the emergency situation, such as encountered, to immediately press the red emergency stop switch, to avoid the occurrence of untoward.
7, repair and maintenance of CNC cutting machine should pay attention to a technician command.